Monday, October 1, 2012


Just got back from a week up north... stopped to see friends, but mostly spent time in Acadia National Park.  Just beautiful... but i'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

Sunrise over the Atlantic from the top of Cadillac Mountain

Sandy Beach is just out of the picture on the left, but this chunk of granite is called The Beehive.  I hiked up Beehive a few days after this pic was taken.  The trail went up the face.  On the way down the backside, I heard talking and looked up.  Can you spot the 4 hikers?

Barnacles about eye height in Hunters Cove.  This a great little tucked away pebble beach with stones the size of your thumb nail to as big as ones head.  Many of the pebbles are from the granite that makes up some of the mountains... pink granite and white granite.  Pretty amazing the difference in colors.  Cadillac mountain is all pink granite, which is gorgeous in the sun.  Examples of Pink and White granite.

This is Bubble Pond.  A very tranquil, special place where we took a break and had lunch. 

Eagle Lake and Connors Nubble on the left, about half a mile, across the road from Bubble Pond.  A nubble is kinda a hill.

This is the creek that flows under Duck Pond Bridge.  The bridges, all 17 of them are amazing.  Each is different.  Bridges are another post in the future.  

Jordon Pond Gatehouse: Rockefeller built carriage roads for horse drawn  carriages and didn't want those new smoke belching automobiles on his roads or in his mountains.  Gates closed off his roads but the gatekeepers opened them for the carriages.  They lived in these houses.  Note stone shingles.

Overlooking Frenchman Bay and the Porcupine Islands while on the Precipice Trail, on the way up to the top of Champlain Mountain.  The coolest trail I hiked while there.  Yes, that is a 300ft or so drop off.  Yes, someone died this year.

This was taken by another hiker that was ahead of me.  He emailed it to me 2 weeks after I got back.  Totally forgot about it.  This shot is taken higher up the trail.  The trail narrows to about 24 inches on the horizontal ahead of me. 

This little pond was on top of Champlain Mountain 1,058 feet above sea level.  Never expected it.

This is Long Pond from the Beech Mountain Trail. 

This is the Big Heath area on the west side of the Park.  This is at sea level and is brackish water.  The mountain center is Bernard Mountain, and Beech Mountain is center right.  Long Pond is on the other side of those mountains.

Shells in a small tidal pool at the end of Wonderland Trail.  A short trail from the road to the beach at the southern end of the Park.  The trail ended up on a little rock outcropping in the Atlantic.  The next four pics are from the outcropping.

Thousands of snails hanging on the rocks.

Tail end of blooming wild roses just off the rock beach.

A small beach not of sand, or rocks, but snail shells.

And finally, a gnarly pine tree starting to change color.  What a cool trail.

Jordan Stream Trail coming back from Cobblestone Bridge.  That's Carol, a friend of a friend, and a local, that showed me a lot of places that I would have never seen.  She's a photo hound too.

And finally.... for this post... is Jordon Pond.  Sky was overcast (the only day during my whole trip) and it was lightly raining.  I wanted to get a pic with the rocks to the right in the forground, but there were kids playing on them.  Pemetic Mountain is to the right, South Bubble center, and North Bubble on the left.  Bubble Rock is a boulder that sits on the edge of a cliff on the other side of North Bubble, which was deposited there by the glaciers that went thru this area 10,000 years ago.  There was a great trail that climbed them.

Too many trails, too little time.  But there's always next year!!!!