Monday, May 7, 2012

Garden Update...

Been a while since i posted any veggie pics.  Things are going good, and green is all over the place.  Was going to finish filling the other bed this past weekend, but ended up weeding and mulching the flower beds. Anyway, here's some pics and an overall at the end.

Beets and the radishes.  Been eating a few of the daikons.  A bit tart than regular, but i like them.

The red onions are rocking.

As are the peas.

The rain kinda beat up the romanescu.  The plant in upper left i think broke internally, but on the outside looks good. Maybe it will come back, maybe not.

Carrots are looking good.  The second planting germinated real well.  I'm gonna have to thin them out a bit.  They take so long to grow, but are worth it.

Lettuces and spinach are doing great.  Been eating out of the patch for a while.  Haven't picked any this week, but just had a great salad.  Was invited for dinner last night, and was going to take a bunch for a salad, but was running out of time trying to get the mulch done.  I don't like mulching, but it looks good in the end.   I hope.

And finally, from bottom to top... 2 rows of brussel sprouts, broccoli, 2 rows of cauliflower, and another broccoli.  And the final pic is the whole garden.

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