Sunday, May 20, 2012

STRAWBERRIES !!!!! and tomatoes, peppers, eggplant

Saturday I picked up "Short One" and we went down to Landreth Seeds in New Freedom for Heirloom Plants... mostly tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant. More on that later, or maybe another post. 

Then we picked strawberries!!!  WhoooooHoooo!!!! 

I love berries of any kind, but my fave are these little red orbs of deliciousness.

Tied for a close second are blueberries, blackberries, raspberries (red and black), and currants.  Everything else berry is a close third.  When I get to Heaven, all i wanna do is tend the berry fields, and live in a log home in the woods at the edge of the fields.  Don't need no mansion.

My friend of many years and his brother run a farm store just west of York, PA.  Good People.  Strawberries are the earliest he's ever seen.  He's wondering if he's gonna still have strawberries for all the "Strawberry Festivals" in mid June.  He will. 

Mild winter,
Warm spring,
Early berries bring.
<not quite Haiku>  :-)

Anyway, we picked about 3 flats in about 90ish minutes, but who's counting.  The field we picked in was not picked yet by the pickers, it was a virgin patch.  At first they were sparse, but lots of green and orange ones... next week will rock in that patch.  Short One bumped up a to the other side, and I moved to the middle where plants were thinned out.  Then the fun began.  The berries that were in the sun were ripe, the ones under the leaves were not.  Ignore the tomato plants and upside down bee veil <another post, another time>.

The field... one of about 5 or so... not sure how many acres of strawberries he has.  But I do know how many raspberries he has.  :-)  Yes, Short One picking berries for the first time.

Almost the same vantage point, but looking to the right at the raspberry patch.  Each one of those rows are about 4.5 football fields long... that's a total of 3 miles of raspberry's.  They were planted several years ago.  To the right, outta view, are several more rows planted last year.

These baby's will be ready for picking real soon...

This week, and next... picking and freezing baby... picking and freezing.

Ohhh.... and some pretty weeds.

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