Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Da bed is full...


Planted 6 squares of Brussel Sprouts transplants and 2 of pole beans in the remaining squares this morning.  1 plant per square and 9 bean seeds per square That brings that bed to a close for now.  In it I have... 2 types of radishes, 2 types of beets, 2 types of peas, spinach, mesculin, lettuce mix, 3 types of carrots, romanescu, red onions, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, and pole beans.

In the second bed (currently empty) is going tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, more beans, among other things.  On the compost mound next to the barn will be zucchini, squashes, cucumbers, and other climbers.  All this is subject to change, and probably will.

Some of the cauliflower that LG started from seeds are a bit leggy and weak looking.  She was encouraging them this morning, I was threatening to rip them out and get stronger stock.  They have till the weekend to get their act together.  She's obviously attached.


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