Monday, April 2, 2012

The other half... Part Deux


I was still short some fill in the other half of the 4x14 bed... a few inches all around.  I sifted some of the Alpaca Poo Compost, getting the best i can find in the pile, one shovel full at a time.  It did not sift well, as it was not completely done. Got about 10 shovel fulls and moved on.  Mixed it with equal parts of peat and vermiculite and filled up the bed.  Here is a pic of a sifter full... pre and post.  Usually the clumps will break apart easily, these were still too wet.

Also planted some more Daikon and Watermelon radishes to bring the count up to 16 (actually made it 18 to appease my mild case of ocd)  Planted some additional spinach too.  The spinach didn't germinate as well at i thought it would, and the lettuces are very spotty, but i'll give them another week to see what pops up.  Red circles are where i planted additional seed.


My son stopped over this afternoon to drop off some stuff for me to store.  We talked for about 2 hrs while I pulled weeds and plodded outside.  It was grand.  Then i went over to his house to see the grand kids.  :-)


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