Sunday, April 1, 2012

Tommy Chong: “Maaaaaaan, this is good $H1t.”


Alright, it’s poo, not pot.  This is mostly composted Alpaca poo from a neighboring Alpaca Farm.  Shout out to the Zurins at Eastland Alpacas.  It is still cooking, turning from poop/straw/shavings to compost.  When it’s completely cooked, it won’t be odoriferous at all.  Just rich, dark, garden gold.  Veggies love it, worms love it, gardeners love it, and it’s completely natural… no pesticides, insecticides, homicides, or chemicals, etc.  No artificial colors or flavors.

Sometimes compost cooks too hot and burns.  The white is burnt.  This happens if it isn’t turned enough.  If it’s turned too much, or is not mixed right (greens to browns) it will shut down, or go cold.  Then you gotta kick it back up.  I’m not an expert on composting by any means, I just know it’s good  stuff.

I started composting, sorta, but it wouldn’t be ready till fall, and I need to fill beds now, and like I said earlier, bagged compost you buy from the garden store is way too expensive.  If this was bagged, it would run about $125-150. I got 1,500+ lbs of it for nothing.  Although I did stick around and helped (ok… watched) about 100 alpaca’s and 2 llamas get wormed.  It was quite a system they had going.  I wish I took some pictures.  Their fur is amazingly soft.  Check out the Store. The Copper Crew socks just rock.

This was dinner.  It looked so good on the plate I just needed to take a picture of it.  Local chicken salad and veggie farmers cheese, wrapped in red leaf lettuce… sprinkled with tomatoes, and a Stone to wash it all down.  All from the local Mennonite store (sans the beer).  Linseed Girl calls it the MennoMart.

Yesterday and earlier today… more stumps.  It was like digging out wisdom teeth with a toothpick.  The stumps don’t deserve a picture.  One more out, one loosened up, and two that are next years project.  At least now I can build the asparagus bed.  Might even start it tomorrow, although they don’t go into the ground till May.

Check out this post from Walter at SugarMountainFarm.   :-)


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