Monday, April 16, 2012

First Pickings...


Ate out of the garden today.  Spinach, Loose Leaf Lettuce, and Red Lettuce.  4 weeks and a day since planting.  LG is making some sort of veggie burger and going to put lettuce and spinach on it for her dinner.  My dinner was snap peas i found in the bottom of my fridge, carrots, and raspberry yogurt with granola.  Tried to tell the other neighbor i was eating peas out of the garden.  She didn't buy it.

Spent most of the day reading Eliot Coleman's book Four-Season Harvest.  They have a farm in Maine and harvest crops all year long.  In Maine!!!  In the book he has a picture of a large hoop house that sits right out side their pantry door and attached to the house.  Its Jan in the pic, and the ground is full of beds of green with brown walkways in between.

How cool would that be.  Hmmm.



  1. you inspired me to confront the disaster I abandoned in last years garden...have taken some pics and will ignite the blog... cheers

    1. Nice. I always find it amazing how long it actually takes to write a post. Take the pics, email them to myself, download them, organize them, write, add the pic(s), proof, publish, edit the mistakes you missed, publish again.

      It used to take me an hour to do a post, now only 45 minutes.

      Got the books, obviously. Good stuff. Thanks for the heads up.

