Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter and planting Part Deux...


After church and an excellent home cooked lunch, came home and worked on the garden. Linseed Girl (LG) joined me.  She said that all my birdhouses have nests in them, and one may even be a bluebird.

Planted another 4 squares of carrots, 2 of Davers and 2 of Short and Sweet.  Replanted the Short and Sweet square that was only showing a few tops.  Not sure what happened to them.  The Davers and Multi's are sparse, but showing some greens.

Planted 4 squares of red onions, 9 per square.

Planted 8 squares of Broccoli and 8 squares of Cauliflower, both 1 per square.

Planted 2 lettuce plants that LG had left over from her container garden.

Update on the other half...

Peas are anywhere from 1-4 inches tall.  Gonna put a trellis of some sort over them so they grow up, not out.  More on trellises a bit later.  The radishes are also looking good.

Last big garden project completed today was "The Turning of the Compost."  The outside of the pile was getting hard and crunchy, but the inside was still hot, cooking, and breaking down nicely.  I almost thew some on the sifter to see how it would "shake out" <pun intended>, but resisted.  I'll probably let it cook for another 2 weeks, turning weekly.  Here's a pic, looks like the other pic, but the whole pile is moved back under the pine about 4 foot.  Didn't quite feel like 1600lbs today, was way lighter.  Probably from drying out the past week.

Last task of the day involved a field trip.  I knocked on LG's door and asked if she wanted to go on an adventure.  "I'll get my shoes." was her eager reply.  Not even sure she finished her tea.  On the way, I explained that it might be somewhat illegal, and the only reason i was bringing her along was she was my scapegoat.  "But Officer, this was all her idea."  She was not amused, but somewhat intrigued. 

I noticed several weeks ago that along the stream that flows thru the edge of town, there is a large cluster of Bamboo.  I wanted to make my trellises for the climber plants (peas, pole beans, cukes, melons, etc.) out of bamboo.  In fact, it was this clump of Bamboo that gave me the ides.  It is on the other side of the creek, on the edge of a business park property.  We snaked our way thru, it wasn't on the park property, but down the bank on the other side of the train tracks, so I'm assuming it's on the railway property.

Once we were there, i realized that the stream bank was rebuilt to prevent erosion, and the bamboo was planted there to hold soil, although not sure how well it does that.  Anyway, I explained how bamboo was such an invasive species and I was only doing my duty to help curb the rapid expansion of the existing weed.  She still thought I was stealing it, and expected the cops to show up any minute.

I cut 5-6 20ft pieces, trimmed and loaded them in my car.  The rear seat was down and the cut ends were an inch away from the windshield, but they still stuck out this far.

The sound they made dragging was pretty cool.  I told her if she would put her ear against the vibrating trunks, she could probably hear the ocean waves break against the beach.  I think sometimes she wonders why she's my friend.


1 comment:

  1. You're insane....Can I have some bamboo, too? I have "needs"....
